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Founder and CEO of Rock The Bells, LL COOL J

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As a successful entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of Rock The Bells, he has had a front row seat to our country's recent conversations around racial injustice and will discuss how these conversations can help bring about needed change.

Commissioner of NYC Small Business Services, Jonnel Doris

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As Commissioner for the New York City Department of Small Business Services, Jonnel will share insights on NYC initiatives currently underway to help Black-owned small businesses facing profound challenges during the current COVID-19 crisis and other efforts to advance racial equity.

U.S. SEC Chairman, Jay Clayton

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

With Chairman Jay Clayton at the helm, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission continues its mission with a focus on the interests of America's long-term Main Street investors. Chairman Clayton will discuss how the SEC is addressing challenges facing markets today.

Following his speech, Chairman Clayton will be interviewed by four questioners: Gary Cohn, Harold Ford Jr., Glenn Hutchins, Barbara G. Novick.

Moody's Analytics Chief Economist, Mark Zandi

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As a trusted adviser to policymakers and an influential source of economic analysis for businesses, journalists and the public, join us as he shares his perspective on the economy's post-COVID19 road to recovery.


WASHINGTON POST: Wall Street Beat: A Dark Winter and Another Tough Year

Morgan Stanley’s James Gorman also struck a note of caution. “The damage to small businesses and individual balance sheets has been profound,” and it will take years to recover in certain industries, he said at a virtual event hosted by the Economic Club of New York. “I’m not expecting miracles,” he said. “This is going to be a couple hard years.”


Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley James P. Gorman

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley, he will discuss how he has transformed the Firm over the last decade and how he is successfully navigating today's challenging enviroment.

Senior Director of Player Affairs with the NFLPA, Dana Hammonds Shuler and former NFL Player, Erik Coleman

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As the Senior Director of Player Affairs with the NFL Players Association, Dana Hammonds Shuler has spent her career helping NFL players build financial security and navigate the financial challenges that come with this unique career choice.

She will be joined by former New York Jets safety, Erik Coleman for a discussion on the importance of developing financial literacy and business acumen in all communities.


Bloombeg: American Workers Need Another ‘Treaty of Detroit,’ Summers Says

On Nov. 5, Harvard economist Lawrence Summers said that the U.S. shouldn’t pursue any more big trade agreements until the social safety net is strengthened. Summers said in a video conference hosted by the Economic Club of New York that if it were up to him, he would put trade deals on ice “until I felt confident that we were locking in progress on the agenda of combating local disintegration.”



Yahoo Finance: Larry Summers on economic recovery: 'I worry about trying to operate in an environment of very, very low interest rates for the long term'

The two economists have served roles under administrations on opposite sides of the aisle, so some of their views differed on how to best position the economy during its road to recovery.

“I’m not pessimistic about a package, but I think it’s going more moderately sized” than under a blue wave– type of scenario, said Hubbard during the virtual meeting held by the Economic Club of New York on Thursday.

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President Emeritus of Harvard University Lawrence H. Summers and Dean Emeritus of Columbia Business School R. Glenn Hubbard

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

The Economic Club of New York is honored to welcome back two of America's leading economists, Lawrence H. Summers and R. Glenn Hubbard, who will speak on the results and implications of the November 3rd U.S. election.

President and CEO of Carver Bancorp Michael T. Pugh

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As President and CEO of Carver Bancorp Inc., Michael will discuss actions taken towards helping black-owned small businesses in NYC and share tools on how these businesses can access capital through community banks.

CEO of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Deanna M. Mulligan

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

By 2030 there may be 85 million available jobs that cannot be filled. Join the conversation to hear how a serious skills gap could lead to implications for productivity and competitiveness and consider who should create a system to educate and train the workforce of the future.

The Economic Club of New York is honored to welcome Deanna Mulligan as she discusses her new book, HIRE PURPOSE: How Smart Companies Can Close the Skills Gap, which addresses what businesses can do to meet the employment challenges of the 2020s.

Editor and Publisher of The Cook Political Report, Charlie Cook

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

In-depth conversation with Founder of The Cook Political Report and NBC News Political Analyst Charlie Cook about the upcoming Presidential election.

Tom Barkin, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

REUTERS:  Fed's Barkin says hiring could recover slowly as companies streamline

Spending by consumers and businesses could increase as people become more confident about the economy, but it could take longer for the labor market to recover because of mismatches in the labor force between the jobs lost and the jobs in higher demand, Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin said on Thursday.

Some people who lost jobs at retailers or in restaurants may not see a clear path to figuring out their next role, Barkin said during a virtual discussion organized by the Economic Club of New York.


President Donald J. Trump

CNN: Trump touts his coronavirus recovery during Zoom Rose Garden appearance

President Trump railed against the media and touted his coronavirus treatment and recovery Wednesday as he addressed the Economic Clubs of New York, Washington Chicago, Sheboygan, and Pittsburgh in a remote event.

The President praised his administration’s coronavirus response and “aggressive and early action,” as well as initial aid package – his comments coming as talks remain stalled on Capitol Hill.


President Donald J. Trump

BLOOMBERG: Trump Says Airlines and Cruise Industries Will Come Back

President Donald Trump says the administration is trying to get more stimulus money to the airline and cruise industry. He spoke remotely to the the Economic Club of New York remotely from the Rose Garden. 


President Donald J. Trump

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  Trump Stresses Economic Record in Virtual Speech

In a virtual speech from the Rose Garden to the Economic Clubs of New York, Florida, Washington, Chicago, Pittsburgh and Sheboygan, Wis., Mr. Trump touted the state of the pre-pandemic U.S. economy and predicted dire consequences if former Vice President Joe Biden wins the election,

“If the left gains power the recovery will be terminated and the economy will be destroyed,“ he said. “The policies of the left would unleash a long-lasting economic catastrophe of unimaginable proportions.”


president and CEO of the Richmond Fed Thomas Barkin

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

As President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Tom Barkin will report on current monetary policy and his expectations for the U.S. economy for 2021.

Lt. General H.R. McMaster, US Army (Ret.)

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

Lt. General H.R. McMaster, U.S. Army, ret., former National Security Advisor and author of the bestselling classic Dereliction of Duty, shares his bold and provocative re-examination of the most critical foreign policies and national security challenges that face the United States, and an urgent call to preserve America's standing and security.

Lt. General H.R. McMaster will join The Economic Club of New York for a conversation including details from his new book, Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World.

President Donald J. Trump

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

The President has accepted our combined invitation, with seven other economic clubs across the country, to present his economic agenda to our members and their guests on a live webcast.

The same invitation was sent to both major party Presidential nominees, inviting them to address our clubs and present their economic agendas. Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has not yet confirmed his attendance for a separate event. We remain hopeful that Vice President Biden's schedule will allow him to join us at a later date.