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Entries with tag harold moulton .

69th Meeting of the club

Hon. Walker D. Hines, Former Director-General of the Railroads
Dr. Benjamin M. Anderson, Jr., Economist of the Chase National Bank
Dr. H. Parker Willis, Editor of the New York Journal of Commerce
Prof. Harold G. Moulton, Director of the institute of Economics in Washington, and co-author of Germany's Capacity to Pay

The Dawes Report

60th Meeting of the club

Mr. Alleyne Ireland, Government Consultant and Author
Mr. John Foster Dulles, Partner in Sullivan & Cromwell, Member of the New York Bar
Prof. Harold G. Moulton, Professor, University of Chicago
Author of "America and the Balance Sheet of Europe"
Mr. Paul D. Cravath, Attorney, Member of the New York Bar

The Genoa Conference

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