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Entries with tag 1932 .

102nd Meeting of the club

Mr. David Lawrence, Editor, United States Daily of Washington
Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Governor of Pennsylvania
Hon. George McAneny, President, Regional Plan Association; Former Chairman, New York State Transit Commission

101st Meeting of the club

Col. John W. Prentiss, Senior Partner, banking house of Hornblower & Weeks
Mr. George H. Soule, Editor, New Republic

100th Meeting of the club

Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Chair of the New York State Agricultural Advisory Committee
Former President of The ECNY
Mr. Matthew Woll, Vice President, American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Mr. Willis H. Booth, Vice President, United States Chamber of Commerce
General William W. Atterbury, President, Pennsylvania Railroad

A New Era

1932 Winston Churchill

Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer

The World Economic Crisis

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