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Sixteenth Meeting

Baron D'estournelles De Constant, Member of the French Senate; President of the Association for International Conciliation
Hamilton Holt, Editor of the Independent
Hudson Maxim, Inventor, Mechanical Engineer, Author
Hon. Samuel J. Elder, Senior Counsel in the Fisheries Arbitration with Great Britain

International Arbitration, Its Economic and Political Aspects

Fifteenth Meeting of the club

Frank B. Gilbreth, Contractor and Builder
James O. Fagan, Railroad Signalman
Author, "Confessions of a Railroad Signalman"
Henry R. Towne, President of the Merchants' Association
Harrington Emerson, Efficiency Engineer; Author of Efficiency, Etc.
James Duncan, Secretary-Treasurer of the Granite Cutters' Inter­ National Association
Louis D. Brandeis, Of the Boston Bar

The New Conception of Industrial Efficiency

Fourteenth Meeting

Henry Wade Rogers, Dean of the Law School, Yale University
Dr. Louis Livingston Seaman, Major-Surgeon, U. S. Volunteer Engineers
Lieutenant-General Nelson A. Miles, U.S.A., Senior Commanding Officer, U.S. A., From 1895 To 1903
Henry Reuterdahl, Naval Artist and Author
Hon. J. Warren Keifer, Member of Congress from Ohio
Formerly Speaker of the House of Representatives

Should The Panama Canal Be Fortified?

Thirteenth Meeting

Hon. Frederic J. Stimson, Of the Boston Bar
Albert Bushnell Hart, Professor of History in Harvard University
Hon. Frank B. Kellogg, Formerly Special Counsel for the United States Government
Melancthon Woolsey Stryker, President of Hamilton College

Is Further Concentration Of Power In The Federal Government Desirable?

Twelfth Meeting of the club

Henry M. Whitney, Formerly President of the Boston Chamber Of Commerce
Hon. Wallace Nesbitt, K.C., Formerly Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
D. Lorne McGibbon, President of the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Company
Hon. Charles S. Hamlin, Formerly Assistant Secretary Of The Treasury

Our Commercial Relations With Canada

Eleventh Meeting

Austen G. Fox, Of The New York Bar
Hon. Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments of New York City
William D. Guthrie, Of the New York Bar
Hon. William E. Borah, United States Senator from Idaho

Should The Pending Amendment To The Constitution, Permitting A Federal Income Tax, Be Adopted?

Tenth Meeting of the club

Address of Francis Lynde Stetson, president of the New York City Bar Association, opening the Economic Club dinner at hotel Astor.

Hon. Judson C. Clements, Of The Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington
Hon. William McCarroll, Of The Public Service Commission of New York State
Walker Downer Hines, Acting Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad
Emory R. Johnson, Professor of Transportation and Commerce in the University Of Pennsylvania

The Federal Supervision of Railroad Corporations
Government Regulation of Railroad Corporations

1909 Nelson Aldrich

United States Senator from Rhode Island

The Work of the National Monetary Commission

Eight Meeting

Hon. Theodore P. Shonts, President of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company; Formerly Chairman of the Panama Canal Commission
Henry R. Towne, President of the Merchants' Association of New York; President of the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company
Kenyon Cox, Artist, Author
Hon. W. Bourke Cockran, New York

Tariff Problems

Seventh Meeting

Hon. Oscar Phelps Austin, Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the Department Of Commerce and Labor, Washington
John Foord, Secretary of the American Asiatic Association; Formerly Editor-In-Chief of the New York Times
Hon. Chester Holcombe, Formerly Secretary of the American Legation and Acting Minister at Pekin
Hon. John Green Brady, Governor of Alaska from 1897 To 1909
Alexander Tison, Formerly Professor of English and American Law in the Japanese Imperial University at Tokyo

Our Commercial Relations with the Orient

Sixth Meeting

Harry A. Garfield, President of Williams College
Warren S. Stone, Grand Chief of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Hon. Charles E. Littlefield, Formerly Member of Congress from Maine
Hon. J. Keir Hardie, M.P., Chairman of the Labor Party in the House of Commons
Harold E. Gorst, London
Charles Rann Kennedy, Author of the Servant in the House

Labor Organizations In Relation To Efficient Democracy

Fifth Meeting of the club

Hon. Paul Morton, President of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University
Cyrus H. Mccormick, President of the International Harvester Company
Augustus Thomas, Playwright
Edward H. Harriman, President of the Union Pacific Railroad

The Outlook for Prosperity

Fourth Meeting

Frederik Van Eeden, Sociologist, Poet, Of Holland
Albert Shaw, Editor of the Review of Reviews
John Bates Clark, Professor of Political Economy, Columbia University
Morris Hillquit, Member of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of the United States
Franklin H. Giddings, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

The Present Influence of Socialistic Doctrine Upon Industry and Legislation

Third Meeting

Victor Morawetz, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad
Andrew Carnegie, New York
Hon. Lyman J. Gage, Formerly Secretary Of The Treasury, Washington
Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Lincoln, Nebraska

The Currency System of the United States

Second Meeting

Hon. William H. Langdon, District Attorney for the City and County Of San Francisco
Hon. Charles A. Prouty, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington
Rev. Thomas R. Slicer, Pastor All Souls' Church, New York
Hon. Jefferson M. Levy, Formerly Member of Congress from New York
John G. Agar, Of The New York Bar

The Present Federal Policy In Relation To Trusts and Corporations

First Dinner

Greetings from the Economic Club of Boston
Ex-Mayor Josiah Quincy of Boston

Stuyvesant Fish, New York
Joseph French Johnson, Dean of the School Of Commerce and Finance, New York University
Charles A. Conant, Banker, Publicist
Alexander D. Noyes, Financial Editor of the New York Evening Post
Henry Clews, Banker
John Bates Clark, Professor of Political Economy, Columbia University
Francis Lynde Stetson, Of the New York Bar

Is The Over-Capitalization Of Railroads An Evil?

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