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1923 Lord Robert Cecil

President, League of Nations

64th Meeting of the club

Hon. Pierrepont B. Noyes, Former United states Rhineland Commissioner
Hon. Martin W. Littleton, Lawyer, New York Bar Association
Mr. Herbert Adams Gibbons, Journalist and writer
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi and Zionist leader, American Jewish Congress

The Ruhr and Reparations

63rd Meeting of the club

Hon. John Philip Bill, Congressman from Maryland
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, Director, laboratories of Good Housekeeping Institute
Col. Ransom H. Gillett, Counsel, American Association Against the Prohibition Amendment
Mr. Wayne B. Wheeler, Director, Anti-Saloon League

The Volstead Act and the Enforcement of Prohibition

62nd Meeting of the club

Prof. A. H. Seligman, Professor of Politics and Economy, Columbia University
Hon. Ogden L. Mills, Congressman from New York, U.S. House of Representatives
Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Former President, Economic Club of New York
Hon. Theodore E. Burton, Congressman from Ohio, U.S. House of Representatives

The Balance Sheet of Europe: Reparations and International Debts

61st Meeting of the club

Hon. Randolph Bedford, Member of the legislature, Queensland State, Australia
Mr. Edward A. Filene, Businessman and philanthropist, Filene's department store
Mr. Arthur Nash, President, A. Nash Company of Cincinnati

Strikes and their Prevention

60th Meeting of the club

Mr. Alleyne Ireland, Government Consultant and Author
Mr. John Foster Dulles, Partner in Sullivan & Cromwell, Member of the New York Bar
Prof. Harold G. Moulton, Professor, University of Chicago
Author of "America and the Balance Sheet of Europe"
Mr. Paul D. Cravath, Attorney, Member of the New York Bar

The Genoa Conference

Jan 1922 Meeting of the club

Mr. Francis W. Hirst, Editor, Economist, of London
Mr. John T. Pratt, Attorney and financier
Mr. Lumberjack Sherman Rogers, Unknown
Mr. Clarence W. Barron, President of Dow Jones and de facto manager of The Wall Street Journal

The Better Outlook for Business

May 1921 Meeting of the club

Sir John Foster Fraser, Author of "Red Russia"
Hon. John A. Gade, High Commissioner to the Baltic Provinces
Mr. Jerome Landfield, Adviser to State Department - Russian Division
Hon. Joseph I. France, Senator from Maryland, U.S. Senate

Should the United States Resume Trade Relations with Russia?

Mar 1921 Meeting of the club

Mr. Henry W. Taft, Lawyer, New York Bar
Mr. Lothrop Stoddard, Journalist and author, "The Rising Tide of Color"
Prof. Toyokichi Iyenaga, Director, East and West News Bureau
Mr. Earl S. Parker, Secretary, American League of Justice of California
Hon. James D. Phelan, Former Senator from California

Our Relations with Japan

Feb 1921 Meeting of the club

Prof Jeremiah W. Jenks, Professor, New York University
Member of the U.S. Immigration Commission
Hon. Louis Marshall, Attorney and public servant, New York Bar
Hon. Elon Huntington Hooker, President, Hooker Electrochemical Company
Hon. Fiorello H. LaGuardia, President of the Board of Aldermen

Our Immigration Problem

50th Meeting of the club

Alfred George Gardiner, Formerly Editor of The London Daily News
Frederick P. Fish, The Boston Bar
Former president of the American Bell Telephone Company
George L. Berry, President, International Printing Pressmen and Assistant's Union of North America
John Leitch, Author of "Man to Man: The Story of Industrial Democracy"
Thomas V. O'Connor, International President of the International Longshoremen's Association

Collective Bargaining

Special Dinner

Hon. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, United States Senator from Nebraska
Chairman Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Mr. Henry A. Wise Wood, One of the Founders of League for the Preservation of American Independence
Hon. Irvine L. Lenroot, United States Senator from Wisconsin

The Proposed League of Nations
From Different Points of View

12th Year

Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Formerly Minister of the Netherlands
Hon. William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States

The Proposed League of Nations

Jan 1919 Meeting of the club

Rear-Admiral Hugh Rodman, U.S. Navy
Captain Alfred Francis Blakeney Carpenter, VC, Royal Navy

Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Presiding

British Navy Night: The Story of the Zeebrugge Affair

44th Meeting of the club

Hon. George R. Lunn, Congressman from New York
Mr. John Spargo, Former Member, National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party
Mr. Will Irwin, War Correspondent at the Front
Lt.-Col. Frank S. Evans, D.S.O., Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Artillery

Our Responsibility in the Present War Situation

43rd Meeting of the club

George Creel, Chairman, War Information Bureau
S. K. Ratcliffe, Formerly of Editorial Staff of the "Manchester Guardian"
Mr. Augustus Thomas, Playwright
Dr. Robert Erskine Ely, Founder and Director of the Town Hall League
Founder and Executive Director of the Economic Club of New York
Hon. James M. Beck, The New York Bar

Public Opinion and the War

Feb 1918 Meeting of the club

Major General J. Franklin Bell, U.S.A. Commander, Department of the East
Darwin P. Kingsley, President, New York Life Insurance Company
Prof. Henry Crosby Emery, Guaranty Trust Company
Charles W. Eliot, President-Emeritus, Harvard University

The Victory: Its Responsibilities and Opportunities

42nd Meeting of the club

Mr. Bainbridge Colby, Member of the Recent Commission to Europe
L. E. Sheppard, Senior Vice-President, Order of Railway Conductors
Julius Henry Cohen, Secretary and Counsel to the War Board for the Port of New York
Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor

Labor and the War

41st Meeting of the club

Sir Frederick W. Black, Acting Chairman, British War Mission
Baron Tanetaro Megata, Chairman, Japanese Special Financial Commission
Lt. Bruno Roselli, Lieutenant, Italian Army
Hon. David F. Houston, Secretary of Agriculture
Rear-Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, U.S.N., President U.S. Naval Institute
Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, President, National City Bank

Necessary Steps to Victory

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