Legacy Archive

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2007 Henry Kissinger

Former U.S. Secretary of State

2006 Henry Paulson

Secretary of the Treasury

2006 Stephen Harper

Prime Minister of Canada

2006 John McCain

United States Senator

2006 Ben Bernanke

Chairman, Federal Reserve System

2005 Christopher Cox

Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

2005 Paul Martin

Prime Minister of Canada

2005 King Abdullah II

King of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

2005 Alan Greenspan

Chairman, Federal Reserve System

2005 John Chambers and Ronald Sugar

President and CEO, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Chairman, CEO and President, Northrop Grumman Corp.

2005 Alan Blinder and Phil Gramm

Former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Fed; Professor of Economics, Princeton University
Former United States Senator; Vice Chairman of UBS Investment Bank

2004 John Snow

Secretary of the Treasury

2004 Timothy Geithner and John Thain

President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
CEO, New York Stock Exchange

2004 Jean-Claude Trichet

President, European Central Bank

2004 Alan Greenspan

Chairman, Board of Governors Federal Reserve

2004 Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley

United States Senator
Chairman, Financial Services Committee

2003 Romano Prodi

President, The European Commission

2003 William Donaldson

Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

2003 Richard Myers

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

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